About our GI clinic
Our mission is to take a holistic approach to gastroenterology
We’re not just the technicians doing a colonoscopy or gastroscopy. All team members of our GI clinic and all our gastroenterologists focus on you, the fears you may have and the questions you’d like to have answered. On top of that you benefit from over 15 years of specialist training. We look forward to meeting you.
Dr Callum Pearce
Gastroenterologist & founder of
Wexford Gastro
Conditions we treat
We treat and manage all problems related to the gut and liver

Conditions a gastroscopy can detect
The procedure helps detect coeliac disease, tests the function of the small bowel and assesses gut health to check for cancers.

Conditions a colonoscopy can detect
A colonoscopy provides information about gastrointestinal disease and is also for biopsies, to detect and check for bowel cancer.

Irritable Bowel syndrome
A colonoscopy is used as part of the diagnostic tests and our specialists are trained in the management of IBS.

Bowel cancer screening test
This test aims to detect cancers early when they are easier to treat. Tests consist of a colonoscopy or a Faecal Occult Blood Test(FOBT).
Bowel cancer screening test
Direct access colonoscopy
Your GP has requested that you undergo colonoscopy without consultation first.
Wexford Gastro offers direct access colonoscopy for patients having a family history of bowel cancer or for patients who have a positive faecal occult blood test.
screening test

Holistic approach
A team that is looking after you
Multidisciplinary approach to treat and manage your health
Wexford Gastro’s team consist of highly trained gastroenterologists, a dietitian, a psychiatrist, a psychologist and a naturopath.
About us